I’m just sharing a really quick review as I know I’ve mentioned these trainer pants a few times in my various potty training posts…
Zoocchini Organic Training Pants Review
What’s special about them?
- They are organic and suuuuuuper soft.
- They are thick and feel so comfy – seriously I wish adult pants felt this comfy!
- There are a few designs and pack sizes
Why do I really rate them?
They were the pants that Toddler H saw and never wanted to go back to nappies again. Seriously she put them on and would not wear a nappy again. We were going out half an hour later, and that was it, she wore pants out (something I’d been dreading) and she didn’t have any accidents all day in her owl superhero pants.
Why superhero pants?
Because the owl goes on the back, just like superhero pants!
I do credit these with being that new thing, that comfy pair of pants that made us crack potty training and also gave me he confidence to let her go out without a nappy. They do absorb a little bit of wee wee, but not much. We’ve only had two incidents in them in those first few days, one a trickle which was seriously a wet spot the size of a five pence piece, as she ran to the potty when we were out, and a second when she was really tired and playing and didn’t read the potty in time. That was a bit more messy, but obviously helped by the thick pants. We’ve only really had a couple of other incidents when potty training and usually they’ve been tired related (seriously if she napped I’m sure she wouldn’t have had any!).
Anyway what do I think? They’re fab and I seriously recommend them. They are different to Huggies pull ups and other theming pants I’ve seen, they’re soft and thick, and above all fun. That fun element is key in getting a little one who wants to be toilet trained, who doesn’t like or want to wear nappies, who hates being wet, to achieve that monumental step of being dry and using the potty. Not only that I do credit these pants from that first morning she saw them and put ten on straight away to getting us out of the house without nappies, and to being dry and brave!
Lynne x
June 9, 2017 at 8:33 amI’m tired of using Huggies pull ups for my baby. These pants looks so soft and useful. Thanks for sharing this insightful review.
Lauren The Helpful Hiker
June 14, 2017 at 7:05 amWe’re in the middle of potty training, these look fab I’ve never heard of them before. We can use the potty now with no issue at home, but it’s a bit different when we’e out. #TriedTested
The Breastest News
June 14, 2017 at 1:02 pmOh these look quite good. Might have to invest in some when I start potty training the toddler.

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